Anti-abortion crusader is new head of public affairs at the Dept of Health & Human Services
Rabidly LGBTQ-phobic posts on her website are suddenly gone,
as is a post about false rape accusations
>>> Charmaine Yoest has been a vocal spokesperson for the conservative Christian fundamentalist movement, appearing on CNN, Fox, MSNBC, and in print media to excoriate reproductive rights, the "homosexual agenda," transpeople, feminism... all the usual targets of the religious right. She served in the Reagan White House, and she was president and CEO of Americans United for Life from 2008 to early 2016. She and her husband also run a blog to promote her views: Reasoned Audacity a/k/a
In late April 2017 Trump appointed her to a high-level position in the Department of Health and Human Services: Assistant Secretary for Public Affairs, which means she's in charge of the Department's communications with the press and the public. She oversees HHS's website and social media, press releases, media campaigns, speechwriting, Freedom of Information Act division, and promotion of public-health initiatives.
Immediately, the Yoests scrubbed of certain posts. They were very selective. Everything about abortion stayed. Everything about LGBTQ matters was deleted. Most posts about Christianity were left in place, although a few were cut. And one posting about rape was taken down.
Some of the missing posts are in the Internet Archive's Wayback Machine, but many aren't. After Dave Maass raised the alarm that Yoest was covering her tracks, I tracked down a good number of the missing posts in Google's cache, as well as the Wayback Machine. A webpage in Google's cache usually disappears within days of the original webpage going offline, so they needed to be grabbed quickly. I'm presenting what I saved below.
Yoest's husband Jack apparently writes most of the posts, although Charmaine writes some. Jack also sometimes responds in the comments section of posts. He's a business consultant who, with Charmaine, runs Management Training of DC, LLC and refers to himself in posts as "Your Business Blogger (R)."
"Half of Rape Allegations Are False"
This deleted post is in the Wayback Machine and Google's cache:
Transgender People Are "Crazy"
This post, credited to Charmaine, is in Google's cache for the time being (scroll down)
"a trany of some stripe"
This deranged post is preserved in the Wayback Machine:
"Let the homosexuals dine on fast food at Starbucks. With the rest of the liberals."
A highlight:
The full post with comments is in the Wayback Machine:
"Homosexual abominations remain in effect"
Some highlights from Jack's comments:
In the Wayback Machine:
How not to hire "crooks and liars and liberals"
In Google's cache (for the time being):
Charmaine's Original Bio
You can see Charmaine's current bio at this page on her site. The 2013-2015 version of her bio (below) plays up her anti-abortion crusading; it includes the words "antiabortion" and "pro-life" and mentions her being vice president of James Dobson's Family Research Council, all of which is missing in her current bio.
More deleted posts
In Google's cache (for now)
Temporarily in Google's cache
In Google's cache (for now)
In Google's cache for now
In Google's cache for the moment
In Google's cache (for the moment)
In Google's cache (at least temporarily)
The "Homosexual Agenda"
This page in the Wayback Machine shows ten blog posts tagged with "homosexual agenda," nine of which have been deleted, including "Freedom of Conscience? Homosexuals Question Medical Care Freedom" and "Congressional Hearing on Military Readiness and Homosexuals."
Gay Marriage
The following deleted posts - under the "gay marriage" tag - are in Google's cache for the time being.