Six years and one lawsuit after the Associated Press first requested Secretary of State Hillary Clinton's calendars and schedules, the State Department finally released them. The AP didn't post them, so we did.
Six years and one lawsuit after the Associated Press first requested Secretary of State Hillary Clinton's calendars and schedules, the State Department finally released them. The AP didn't post them, so we did.
Marked "for official use only," this document slipped out onto the open web.
Manuscripts of two crypto articles by Alan Turing for Britain's NSA, plus his 155-page notebook "Mathematical Theory of ENIGMA Machine"
Freedom of Information Act training and processing material used by intelligence and military agencies.
Two documents listing details on 250,000+ complaints against Chicago police over almost 50 years
An archive of all legal documents from the lawsuit(s) in which a woman accused Donald Trump and Jeffrey Epstein of raping her when she was thirteen. On November 4, 2016, she had her lawyers withdraw the suit.
The FBI's file on the larger-than-life narcotics agent, spy trainer, and overseer of one of the CIA's most infamous MKULTRA "experiments," Operation Midnight Climax
A growing collection of links to transparency reports for tech companies and web/app-based businesses, including Google, Facebook, Uber, Airbnb, Snapchat, Kickstarter, 23andMe....
A declassified summary of the case and of Clinton's FBI interview. Now includes Powell's email and the FBI's summaries of 34 related interviews.
An unprecedented list of secret pen register and trap-and-trace cases in Washington DC, plus government requests from three of those cases
100,000+ pages of important material remain unreleased.
The Clinton Library has released 555 photos of Bill Clinton, several of which show him palling around with Trump.
Two rare, decades-old publications provide over 25 photos from inside the military's off-limits underground city.
A list of 234 tech companies that the CIA's venture-capital firm has invested in.
The Maine Governor leaves a voicemail for a state representative. " little son of a bitch, socialist c**ksucker..." Not safe for work. Seriously.
For the first time online, all released audio recordings of 911 calls made from inside the World Trade Center on 9/11.