Missing manuals from America's oldest federal law-enforcement agency, including "A Law Enforcement Guide to the U.S. Postal Inspection Service" and "Postal Inspector Entrance Examination Preparation Guide"
Missing manuals from America's oldest federal law-enforcement agency, including "A Law Enforcement Guide to the U.S. Postal Inspection Service" and "Postal Inspector Entrance Examination Preparation Guide"
A towering figure of 20th-century literature, modernist poet, editor, and critic Ezra Pound lived in Rome during WWII and broadcast propaganda for Mussolini. The DOJ's Criminal Division prosecuted him for treason. This is their file on him.
The Department of Justice coordinates the government's confiscation of private assets. These annual reports were in an archive on Justice's website. Now they're not.
NORAD and the US Northern Command are tasked primarily with monitoring and defending the US and Canada. We have over 140 hours of their radio communications from 9/11, for streaming or download.
The New York Police Department spied on political activists in the 1960s and 1970s. They recently found 1.1 million pages of documents from this program, but there's no telling when or how this treasure trove will be made available to the public. But we do have some specifics about what's there....
Unbelievably, the Pentagon once posted complete audio recordings of the Combatant Status Review Tribunal proceedings of 14 "high-value detainees" at Guantanamo. Those recordings were pulled down in 2009. We have them inside....
Press releases, news articles, and speeches to the detainees from the first year of the War on Terror detention camp at Guantanamo Bay, long ago pulled offline
Going against the federal government's unrelentingly hostile attitude toward marijuana, the National Institutes of Health has started funding studies into the benefits of cannabis and its components. Here are lists of all the studies to date and the resulting articles in medical journals.
Responding to a Freedom of Information Act request about the poisonous nature of Flint, Michigan's water, the Environmental Protection Agency quietly released 5,155 pages of internal documents.
Oil companies almost always refuse to divulge the chemical soup they use for fracking, but in California they're forced to. From deep inside a Conservation Department report comes this list.
Three publications about murder, dating from 1998-1999, were on the FBI's website for years. Only two remain.
The Federal Emergency Management Agency once posted 19 Situation Reports from the days of Katrina and immediately afterward. Then they disappeared.
The Fire Department of New York's radio dispatches from the morning and early afternoon of 9/11. For more than three years, they fought in court to keep these recordings secret but were finally forced to release them in August 2005. For the first time anywhere, we made the contents of all 21 audio CDs available online.
The Justice Department's study of diversity among its attorney workforce was released with 50% of the text blacked out. We uncensored it and highlighted the previously hidden portions. A Memory Hole classic.
From the original Memory Hole, the photos that broke the Pentagon ban.