FBI's Complete File on MLK

FBI's Complete File on MLK

The FBI's complete file on Martin Luther King, Jr. (16,000+) pages. First posted online by the original Memory Hole. The FBI still misleads people about its existence.

The Memory Hole 2 Year That Was

The Memory Hole 2 Year That Was

A look at The Memory Hole 2's first (half) year of operation. Trump, Pence, Clinton, Flynn, Petraeus, Guatanamo, Border Patrol, cannabis, 9/11, NORAD, CIA, DEA, asset forfeiture, polygraphs, Flint, sharks....

The Memory Hole 2 Needs Your Help

The Memory Hole 2 needs your help to survive and thrive. Literally. It's a one-person show, so please consider donating any amount so I can keep tracking down deleted documents, making Freedom of Information Act requests for unseen material, posting docs I find tucked away in obscure corners of the Web, and doing other things to rescue knowledge and free information.